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Reviews » Spice and Wolf II (Ōkami to Kōshinryō II)
CD Review - Spice and Wolf II Original Soundtrack (review by Major Start)
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Title: Spice and Wolf II Original Soundtrack
Label: Victor Entertainment
Catalog no.: VTCL-60168
Release Date: 23/09/2009
Playing time: 67'40"
Tracks: 27
From: Japan
Price: 3.132¥
CDJapan Affiliate program

This OST, dedicated to the season 2 of Spice and Wolf, follows on from the composition of the first serie. That is to say: still "Traditional, medieval and folk" music. As usual, we find here the same instruments, such as: bandoneon, bagpipes, bouzouki, mandolin, lute, crumhorn, shawm, clarinet, flute, cello, violin and strings.

So, all music (except tracks n°1, 27) have been once again composed by YOSHINO Yuji (.hack//Legend of the Twilight, Brigadoon, Marie & Gali, Spice and Wolf season 1).
On the songs side, we find the beautifull voice of ARAI Akino for the opening theme, "Mitsu no yoake" (n°1), and as the previous serie, the group Rocky Chack for the ending theme (n°27).

Anyway, this second OST is still recommended to lovers of mediaval and folk music, and to fans of this anime. For those which already have the first CD, it is possible this one will provide nothing new, and so some people risk to be disappointed by the same kind of compositions played, even though, it is true, they are original, catchy and beautiful.

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