1. | 2025/04/09 Game Music Super MarioRPG Original Sound Box |
2. | 2025/03/12 TRIGGER TRIGGER 3rd Album "Trois" |
As always, we find the composer SAGISU Shirô (Evangelion, Nadia, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Bleach), as well as the London Studio Orchestra for symphonic themes.
This OST contains 2 CD including many unreleased tracks (CD1: n°2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 - CD2: n°2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15) which have been exclusively composed for this 3rd movie.
In the disc-1, those who know very well SAGISU's works should have no problem recognizing some cover versions that have been extracted from the anime Fushigi no Umi no Nadia. But here, the music has been completely reorchestrated and accompanied by chorus (formed by Catherine Bott (Soprano), Deborah Miles-Johnson (Mezzo-Soprano) and Andrew Busher (Tenor). For instance, we have "Gods message" (n°1), apocalyptic theme extracted from the OST 3 of Nadia "Babel no hikari" (OST 3, n°32); "The anthem" (n°4) which actually is the famous theme of Nautilus, the Captain Nemo's submarine in Nadia (OST 3, n°31); and "Dark defender" (n°3), an another theme of Nautilus (OST 3, n°33).
Both tracks n°6, "L'Apôtre de la Lune" and n°8, "Qui veut faire l’ange fait la bête", remind me the anime KareKano, sounds like very much like "Miyazawa Yukino V (Nocturne) <A7#1>" (KareKano OST 1, n°19).
Note we also have a composition of Ludwig van Beethoven, "From beethoven 9 =3EM27=" (n°15), which is the famous "Ode to Joy" theme, reorchestrated by the London Studio Orchestra.
The remaining tracks of this first CD are good but not unforgettable.
Moving on to disc-2. Both recurring battle themes of Evangelion are here included: "Bataille d'espace" (n°1) and "Serenity amongst the turmoil" (n°3). On the remainder of the CD, we find many acoustic tracks, played with piano (n°2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11). But the music is pretty monotonous and sound almost the same.
In short, this double album is good, contains a lot of orchestrated music, as well as quiet acoustic musics (mostly played by piano). Compared to the previous SAGISU's works, I found the main atmosphere for this 3rd movie darker, almost frightening, with many post-apocalyptic themes. For my part, I prefer the previous movies’ OSTs of Evangelion, more varied and so less monotonous. Anyway, an album to discover while waiting for the release of the fourth and last movie of Evangelion (Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0).